Discover The Magnificent Agushevi Konatsi In Mogilitsa

Step into a world of enchantment and grandeur as you uncover the secrets of the magnificent Agushevi Konatsi in Mogilitsa.

Like a shimmering gem nestled in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula, this late medieval castle stands tall, boasting its status as the largest feudal castle in the region. With its awe-inspiring architecture, characterized by 221 windows, 86 doors, and 24 chimneys, Agushevi Konatsi is a true marvel of human ingenuity.

But this castle is more than just a testament to architectural prowess; it holds within its walls a rich tapestry of history and cultural significance. Constructed between 1820 and 1840 for the wealthy Turkish feudal, Salih Aga, and his sons, Agushevi Konatsi offers a glimpse into a bygone era, where power and wealth intertwined to create a legacy that still captivates visitors today.

As you enter the castle’s three interconnected yards, you will be transported to a world of tradition and splendor. Each yard houses a multitude of residential and farming buildings, each with its own well, showcasing the self-sufficiency and grandeur that once prevailed within these walls.

Recognized as a national monument of art and culture, Agushevi Konatsi is a treasure that must be experienced firsthand. Whether you are a history enthusiast, an architecture aficionado, or simply a seeker of freedom and inspiration, a visit to this remarkable castle will surely leave an indelible mark on your soul.

To plan your visit, head to the tourist information centers in Mogilitsa and Smolyan, where friendly staff will provide you with all the necessary information. And for those who desire a taste of the castle’s magnificence from the comfort of their own homes, the Ministry of Tourism website offers virtual maps and photos of Agushevi Konatsi.

Uncover the secrets, immerse yourself in the grandeur, and discover the freedom that awaits you at Agushevi Konatsi in Mogilitsa.

Key Takeaways

  • Agushevi Konatsi is the largest feudal castle in the Balkan Peninsula.
  • The castle was built between 1820 and 1840 for the wealthy Turkish feudal Salih Aga and his sons.
  • It consists of three interconnected yards with residential and farming buildings.
  • Agushevi Konatsi is a national monument of art and culture.

Location and Architecture

Agushevi Konatsi, located in the village of Mogilitsa, is characterized by its impressive architecture, consisting of three connected yards with numerous windows, doors, and chimneys, making it the largest late medieval feudal castle on the Balkan Peninsula.

The construction process of Agushevi Konatsi took place from 1820 to 1840, undertaken by three masters for the wealthy Turkish feudal Salih Aga and his sons. The castle boasts 221 windows, 86 doors, and 24 chimneys, showcasing the intricate craftsmanship and attention to detail.

These unique architectural features not only contribute to the castle’s grandeur but also provide an insight into the architectural styles prevalent during that period. Visitors to Agushevi Konatsi are captivated by the castle’s distinctive design and its ability to transport them back in time to the medieval era.

Historical Significance

The historical significance of the castle in Mogilitsa lies in its status as the largest late medieval feudal castle on the Balkan Peninsula, built by three masters for the Turkish feudal Salih Aga and his sons in the early 19th century. This architectural marvel holds immense historical context and cultural heritage. It serves as a testament to the feudal system that was prevalent during that time, showcasing the wealth and power of the ruling elite. The castle’s grandeur can be seen in its impressive features, such as its 221 windows, 86 doors, and 24 chimneys. To further illustrate the castle’s magnificence, a table is provided below:

Feature Quantity
Windows 221
Doors 86
Chimneys 24
Connected Yards 3
Residential Wells 3

Through its architectural splendor and historical significance, Agushevi Konatsi stands as a captivating reminder of the past, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Bulgarian history.

Visitor Information

Located in the village of Mogilitsa, Agushevi Konatsi offers valuable visitor information for those interested in exploring this historical site and the surrounding area. Tourist services are readily available through the tourist information centers in Mogilitsa and Smolyan.

The tourist information center in Mogilitsa can be contacted at +359 3036 315 or

For those in Smolyan, the tourist information center is located at bul. Bulgaria № 5 and can be reached at +359 301 62530 or

These centers provide comprehensive information about Agushevi Konatsi, including its historical significance, architectural features, and current ownership status. They also offer guidance on other recommended places to visit in the area, such as The Trigrad Gorge, Chepelare, and The Smolyan Regional Historical Museum.

With their assistance, visitors can fully enjoy their experience at Agushevi Konatsi and make the most of their time in Mogilitsa.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long did it take to build Agushevi Konatsi?

The construction timeline of Agushevi Konatsi spanned from 1820 to 1840. This magnificent castle boasts impressive architectural features such as 221 windows, 86 doors, and 24 chimneys, making it a remarkable example of late medieval feudal architecture.

Who currently owns Agushevi Konatsi?

The current owners of Agushevi Konatsi are private individuals. This historical site holds great significance as the largest late medieval feudal castle on the Balkan Peninsula, declared a monument of art and culture of national importance.

Are there any restrictions on visiting Agushevi Konatsi?

Visiting restrictions at Agushevi Konatsi may be subject to COVID-19 guidelines. It is recommended to contact the tourist information centers in Mogilitsa or Smolyan for the latest information on accessibility and any specific requirements or limitations imposed for visitors.

Are there any guided tours available for Agushevi Konatsi?

Guided tours are available for Agushevi Konatsi, allowing visitors to explore its historical significance. The tours provide a descriptive and informative experience, engaging the audience with the rich history of the castle.

Can visitors access all three connected yards of Agushevi Konatsi?

Visitors to Agushevi Konatsi have access to all three connected yards, which feature residential and farming buildings. The castle’s architectural features include 221 windows, 86 doors, and 24 chimneys, showcasing its grandeur and historical significance.

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